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Following Jesus

It is my desire to help children find and follow Jesus

Big Title

New book Finding Jesus is here!
It will be available  at,,,
Seagull Book, Deseret Book & Deseret Book. com, BYU Bookstores (Hawaii, Idaho and Utah).  Some national and international distributors will also be getting it out to bookstores in other places and countries. You can Google those. I will update as I have more information.  
Front cover.jpg
The song is here!
"When I Follow Jesus"   is  available  on YouTube, iTunes, S potify and Pandora
Little Lamb from Bethlehem

See more about Little Lamb below
Finding Jesus is a children's book about a little boy named Micah who lived in Judea a long time ago.  One day while he was out walking with his donkey named Dexter, Micah heard about people talking about someone named Jesus.  They were saying such amazing things!  Who was this Jesus?

He decided right then and there, that very day, he was going to find  Jesus. Together he and Dexter would search until they found Him.

Join seven year old Micah on his journey to find the son of God, and experience along the way how it feels to love Jesus and in turn, feel his great love for you.  

With the storyline and touching illustrations by Keven Keele, I hope to help children to connect with the Savior.  I want them to know He is really there for them and experience and feel His love in their life.


Ideas for Little Lamb from Bethlehem 




This Little Lamb from Bethlehem is a great alternative to Elf on the Shelf to bring a fun experience, but

also more importantly, the spirit of Christ into your homes each Christmas season. 


The positive thing about Little Lamb is that It can be personally designed for your individual family, making it as
simple or as involved as you want, so as to not overburden or add stress to you parents during a busy time.

These are just a few ideas to get your started.  Have fun creating your own fun experience each year!


Have Little Lamb show up each day, each week, or however many times you want to have him interacting with your family, with a note of an idea of what he would like to do.  There are endless ideas and each year can change up to the circumstances of that year.  Here are just some suggestions.  Get creative!!



  • Read the story of the Good Samaritan. Have a discussion on kindness.  Challenge them to be kinder in their daily interactions.  Then report back some experiences they have had and how it made them feel.

  • Talk about ways to be thoughtful to family members.  Challenge family members to watch for ways that they can be a comfort or help to others in the family and share their experiences.

  • Put a note on a family member’s bed expressing your love for them.

  • Be a good friend.  Be aware of other kids that may not be included and find ways to be a friend to them.  Do something kind for your friends.

  • Be an example.  Always make good choices. When others behavior or actions are not as they should be, choose to be an example of good choices.  Make sure when others are seeing you, they are seeing the kind of person Jesus would be. Have the children talk about situations they have been in where they have been an example.



  • As a family, take an opportunity to feed the homeless either by volunteering at a homeless kitchen or taking food to the local food bank.

  • Visit someone alone or shut in.

  • Take a fun homemade treat to a neighbor.

  • Do yard work or shovel walks for someone.

  • Gather items for the homeless shelter.

  • Donate food to the Principle's Pantry.

  • Make a get-well card for someone who is ill.

  • Make Refugee kits to send to the Refugees in other countries.

  • Do one of your sibling’s chores for them. 

  • Find a local Charity and gather items they need and take them there.

  • Pay for someone’s meal in the line behind you.

  • Take your teacher a note of thanks with a little treat. 



  • Read a verse about Jesus and talk about it. Do this several times throughout the season to get through them.  

  • Act out the nativity scene with family members.  It can be simple and easy as towels around their heads.  A baby doll wrapped in a blanket and a box for the manger.

  • Visit a local Nativity Scene.

  • Talk about ways you can be more like Jesus.


Family Time:

  • Have family game night.

  • Make some favorite treats together.

  • Have a movie night.  Get pillows and blankets and all snuggle together with a fun treat and watch a favorite movie.  A movie on a Sunday night about Jesus would be a great time to learn more about His life and ways.

  • Share things that you love about each other.

  • Read the scriptures together.

  • Make a Christmas decoration together.

  • Go caroling together.



  • Get a little surprise treat or gift from Little Lamb.

  • Go get some ice cream together.

  • Take Little Lamb on a drive to see the Christmas lights.


Little Lamb From Bethlehem

“I bought this for a friend’s children. It is such a cute story and alternative or companion to Elf on a shelf.”

Little Lamb From Bethlehem

 "Brought this as a Gift for my niece and she just loves the Lamb and Book so much. Product was shipped fast and quick and was packaged good."

Little Lamb From Bethlehem

 "Love this item. He goes well with our Shepherd tradition."


About the Author
Christine Stevens Mower


I am a mother of 6 and a grandmother of 19.  Several years ago after seeing the frustration with all the worldly aspects of Christmas and the lack of Christ centered teachings and activities, I felt the need to find a way to help them.  The idea for Little Lamb and it's fun, learning and  Christ centered activities was born. This favorite tradition has been teaching my grandchildren and many more in the world about Jesus and helping the whole family keep Christ in the season ever since. 


And now with the challenges in the world, children need to not just hear of Jesus, but to learn about Him, learn from His example, grow to love Him and in return feel of His love for them.  Through their connection to Jesus, they will feel the comfort, guidance, strength and understanding of who they really are.  Then they will understand where to look for help and comfort when the conditions in the world may seem overwhelming to them.  The love and light of this experience is displayed in Finding Jesus as little Micha begins a journey to find Him. Your kids will learn from and love Micha's  adventure.                                                                     

About the Illustrator
Kevin Keele


Ever since he was old enough to hold a pencil, Kevin Keele has enjoyed creating art in various forms.  His award-winning work has been featured in numerous books, magazines, board/card games, and video games. He splits his time doing illustrations and game development.  He lives i Utah with his lovely wife and three boys.


I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Kevin on Little Lamb from Bethlehem and now on Finding Jesus.  I have been amazed how he has totally caught my vision in the  narrative I wrote.  I couldn't have asked for a  better illustrator to bring my feelings and emotion to life in these books.  

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